יום שני, 16 בנובמבר 2015

Why You Need Cone Beam CT: Essential Information

3D technology has already had a great impact on medical diagnostics, and dentistry is no different. Cone beam CT functions by coning x-rays to produce high quality images, which it then plots into a 3D model. Greater image depth means better analysis and more accurate decision-making. Most importantly, these 3D models compile data on the soft tissue, including nerves and the hard structures of the mouth and jaw. Extensive applications include tumour detection, planning the path and placement of dental implants and compiling a profile of the jaw and skull.

CT and 3D Technology

Cone Beam CT technology is not readily available everywhere; it is expensive for NHS facilities to purchase and maintain. As an independent dental imaging provider, CT Dent offers a superior service using top of the range hardware and software, providing you with quick and inexpensive access to this developing technology. We deliver to our clients a faster turnaround of patients, meaning faster diagnoses at a lower cost. Furthermore, we utilise an advanced software package that is far superior to anything used elsewhere. We have no ties to any other medical provider merely beyond promising a professional service.

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