יום שבת, 28 בנובמבר 2015

Uses and Functions of Cone Beam CT

There has been much information made available about the 3D technology known as Cone beam CT, what it does and how it works, and how it differs from conventional x-rays. What you may not have come across is how it is advantageous to you and your patient and for which conditions it is best suited. The ability to scan and create a model of soft tissue means it’s an ideal tool for reconstructive surgery, for the planning and placement of implants and examining nasal pathways. It is much more suited to tumour detection than other methods.

CT Dent Technology Commitment

Since our establishment in 2007, CT Dent has had a commitment to a quality service of providing the dental profession with access to advanced diagnostics and treatment technology. Because of its flexibility for a wide range of procedures, cone beam CT is an essential part of our service. We can promise you a fast turnaround time compared to NHS hospitals and radiology centres and better equipment than they can often afford. We are at the forefront of provision of professional dental services; we are independent and already have six labs in the UK.

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