יום רביעי, 25 בנובמבר 2015

Dental CT Scans For Soft Tissue

A distinct advantage of 3D models produced from dental CT technology is that it allows deeper analysis of the soft tissue of a patient’s mouth. Infinitely superior to x-ray which offers far less detail, especially for soft tissue, this technology permits dentists and other medical professionals to examine the gums, the nerves in the head, respiratory system and blood vessels. It is not always the case that toothache and jaw pain exists in isolation; CT imaging permits a broader overview of the head anatomy so you can consider all possibilities for your patient.

CT Dent Service

Our six labs – Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Nottingham, London and Bristol – have access to this critical technology. As an independent provider, you will not be pressured into service packages you will not need and do not want when you refer your patient to us for a dental CT scan. We offer a quick turnaround service with no stress and no pressure, simply providing the sort of professional service that you need to help plan your patient’s care and course of treatment. Whether calculating an implant path or finding an underlying problem, we are confident in the technology and service.

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