יום שני, 23 בנובמבר 2015

About OPG Dental Imaging

Orthopantomogram or OPG dental imaging, is a procedure where multiple images are taken of a single area of the human body; the result is a panoramic image that gives a broader perspective of the area under examination. This aids dental professionals by providing more information for a more accurate diagnosis for patient care. You have the option of a film or a digital, though in recent years digital imaging has becoming the more likely option. This is because digital incurs lower cost of production and lower chance of error than is expected with conventional film.

About CT Dent’s Imaging Services

CT Dent is an expert provider of OPG dental x-ray services to over 4000 dentists and other professionals in this area of medical practice; many have been using our service since our foundation in 2007. We are the country’s only independent dental imaging centre. We are not owned by the NHS or by any private provider. This means when you employ us for your dental imaging, we will not attempt to co-opt your patient for ourselves or pass them on to somebody else. You can rest assured in the confidence that we provide a no obligation service.

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