יום רביעי, 25 בנובמבר 2015

Is Cone Beam the Right Dental Scan Choice for Your Patient?

There are many imaging choices available to the dental profession in planning and treatment for patients. X-ray is not always the right choice as it offers far less detail in a 2D image than the 3D models of a cone beam dental scan. Where you may need multiple overlays to examine a patient’s underlying problem, cross section images, axial or transverse images, sagittal or coronal plane and the choice of quickly moving between multiple planes, your best option may be cone beam technology.

CT Dent’s Imaging Services

CT Dent is a long-term provider of all types of dental scan. Since 2007, we have offered x-ray –single images to cephalometric scans, panoramic images of the jaw, and now CT scans. As technology moves forward, so does our service. We strive to continue to offer the 4000 dental professionals the quality they have always wanted from us, and to keep up with evolving technology. Our professional model is one that remains independent and by referral only. Since 2007, we have seen our client list only increase along with the new centres we open, and that’s because of our professionalism and patient turnaround times.

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