יום שני, 28 במרץ 2016

Getting to know Cone Beam CT scans

One of the most recent developments in the world of dental imaging is that of Cone beam CT. This is an exciting and revolutionary type of imaging system that is x-ray based. It allows dental professionals to get an extremely clear resolution and three dimensional picture of a patient’s mouth. This means that the dental professional gets a much more in depth picture of what is happening inside a patient’s mouth, which in turn makes the diagnosis process a lot smoother and accurate.
This results in patient’s having reduced recovery times and effective treatment plans put in place. It is only used in certain cases as the radiation level is much higher than that of a regular x-ray machine.
CT Dent and their cone beam CT technology

When it comes to receiving the bets of the best service in terms of dental imaging in Britain, CT Dent is your go to destination. For many years they have been the preferred option of thousands of dental professionals in the region and for good reason. Each of their six locations are fully kitted out with the best and most up to date technology when it comes to dental imaging, including Cone beam CT machines.

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