יום שני, 28 במרץ 2016

Getting the lowdown on cephalometrics

When it comes to studying the mouth and the head region, there is a term for it in the medical world. The study of the head and its surrounding areas is normally called cephalometrics. This uses a number of different instruments to examine both the internal and external structures of a person’s head. There are many different forms of, including radiography methods, such as scans and x-rays. When it comes to the dental region, the main area of focus in cephalometrics is the teeth, jaw and cranium. With recent advancements in dental imaging technology, it has become possible to create three dimensional images of the dental region.
CT Dent and their relationship with cephalometrics

For many years now, CT Dent has been the leading independent provider of dental imaging services in the United Kingdom. They have six unique centres that are dotted right throughout the region, each of which is kitted out with latest and most specialised technology that is to be found. The turnaround times are very good and patients will receive the upmost in care and comfort throughout their stay in the facility. There is also much sorter waiting list than you would find in public facilities.

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