יום שני, 28 במרץ 2016

Getting to know CBCT

For many years, dental professionals would have to make do with generalised imaging equipment to get a better idea of what was going on in the mouth of a patient. As the years went on, scanning machines that were dedicated to dental imaging were developed, but they were still only producing images that were two dimensional. It was only with the recent advent of CBCT that three dimensional imaging became a real thing your dental professionals.
This offers many advantages, including better resolution pictures, cheaper and it gives the professional a much better idea of what exactly is happening inside of a patient’s mouth. This leads to better diagnoses and treatment.
CT Dent and their CBCT

For many years, CT Dent has been on the leading edge of dental imaging technology. This means that they always have had the latest equipment and treatment options available to those who need them the most. Their CBCT unit is very advanced and is constantly being updated as new development in the machinery and technology comes out. They have six independent locations dotted right across the United Kingdom and they are the preferred option of thousands of dental professionals in the region.

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