יום שלישי, 26 באפריל 2016

The Importance Of The Dental Scan

One of the most important aspects of dealing with a dental problem is to get to the root cause of an issue and to take a comprehensive look at what is happening inside of a patient’s mouth.
While a visual inspection by a dental professional is often adequate for a simple check-up, if there is any evidence of caries or other signs of dental damage or problems, the issue needs to be investigated further and in more depth with the aid of a dental scan.
If you leave a problem go on the long finger or let a small issue go undetected, you could be in a lot of trouble down the line. It will be more painful, take more of your time and will also cost more to rectify the problem.
In the past, dental professionals would have to make do with general medical scanning machinery if they wanted to take an image of a patient’s mouth. It is only a couple of decades since there was specialised dental imaging equipment developed. This allowed the professionals to get a much better idea of what is happening inside of a patient’s mouth.
Another leap in the dental imaging technology came only in recent years with the development of cone beam computed tomography, which allows for three dimensional images, something that was never previously possible.
This has resulted in doctors being able to make more accurate diagnoses as they can get a comprehensive look at the teeth, bones, nerve pathways and soft tissues of the mouth and test out how all of these are reliant on one another.

This means that an implant specialist for example will now how to put in place implants in the best way, doctors will see the full extent of problems and be able to create effective treatments for the specific case at hand.

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