יום רביעי, 20 בינואר 2016

What you need to know about Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

CBCT is an advanced dental imaging technique which splits the plane of the x-ray, forming a cone-like shape. This method is commonly used when dealing with dental implants. It helps the dental professional to plan the implantation for your specific mouth, leading to a more accurate, effective and less painful procedure.
In recent years, this type of imaging has been used for other uses in the dental industry, such as orthodontics and oral surgery. The process itself involves a CBCT scanner rotating all around the head of the patient, creating more than 600 images.
CT Dent and CBCT
Unlike most providers of CBCT imaging in the United Kingdom, CT Dent is completely independent. This means that they can carry out a more effective and efficient service. This is why their facilities are favoured by dental professionals all across the United Kingdom. They have a number of facilities dotted around the region, all of which are decked out with the latest and most advanced technology when it comes to dental imaging.
Their services are also extremely affordable and have small waiting lists. Instead of waiting months upon months to get an x-ray using a public service facility, you should utilise the services of CT Dent and obtain an appointment within a couple of weeks.

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