יום ראשון, 31 בינואר 2016

Everything you need to know about getting a dental CT scan

For many years, CT scan diagnostic devices have been used in order to identify the extent of certain problems and allow medical professionals to get a better picture of what exactly they are dealing with. As time has passed, the use of specialised CT scans has become more and more popular in the dental industry.
A dental CT scan provides a lot of valuable information about the patient. A lot of these advances are thanks to the development of specialised cone beam technology. As opposed to conventional x-rays and scans which are two dimensional, CT dental cone beam scans provide a high resolution three dimensional picture.
CT Dent and their use of dental CT scans
As the process of getting a dental CT scan is relatively new, many facilities do not have the most up to date technology when it comes to dental imaging. CT Dent is the leading independent dental imaging services provider in the United Kingdom. Each of their six locations are kitted out with the best machinery and technology needed by dental professionals. You will also have much quicker turnaround times, at very affordable prices. This is why they are used by thousands of dental professionals across the region.

Information you should know before getting a dental scan

In the past, dental professionals had to rely on what they could visually see and their intuition when it came to diagnosing dental problems. With the evolution of x-rays and scanning machines, they were able to get a more complete and comprehensive picture of what was going on. In recent years, specialised dental imaging machinery has been developed to further enhance the diagnostic process.
A CT dental scan now surpasses the conventional x-ray, as it provides a three dimensional image of the region and shows in great detail the blood vessels and soft tissue sin the region, as well as the teeth.
CT Dent and dental scans
If you need to get a dental scan, look no further than CT Dent. For many years, they have been the leading independent provider of dental imaging services in the United Kingdom. The have six facilities located right across the region, each of which are decked out with top of the line equipment. They employ experts in the field of dental scans, which is why they are favoured by thousands of dental professionals right across the United Kingdom. They also have very quick turnaround times and are affordable when it comes to scans.

Useful information to know when getting a dental x-ray

Many dental professionals send their patients to get a Dental x-ray in order to be able to comprehensively identify any potential problems that exist in the patient’s mouth, as well as identifying the extent of their current problems.
They are most commonly used to examine the extent of tooth decay and cavities in a patient’s mouth. The x-ray provides a detailed image and highlights areas where the tooth density is not optimal, something which can be very hard to see through a visual examination by a dental professional. In recent years, dental imaging has become more and more popular due to its greater image resolution and lower failure rate.
CT Dent and their use of dental x-rays
As the leading independent dental imaging providers in the United Kingdom, CT dent is one of the best options when it comes to getting a dental x-ray. Their facilities are kitted out with all of the latest technology and equipment when it comes to dental imaging. They have a lot of expertise in the area and this is why they are the preferred option by thousands of dental professionals across the United Kingdom.

יום רביעי, 20 בינואר 2016

What You Need to Know About CT Dental Imaging

The importance of the advances in CT Dental technology cannot be underestimated. In the not too distant past, the dental imaging machines were subpar and did not provide the most clear-cut images. This meant that diagnoses were not always accurate or overly helpful.
With the recent advances in dental imaging technology, dental professionals can now obtain three dimensional images of the mouth region, including the teeth, nerve pathways, soft tissue and bone, all using the one scan. This cuts down on time and cost for both the dental professional and the patient.
CT Dent and CT Dental Imaging
CT Dent is the leading independent dental imaging provider in the United Kingdom. They have six centres dotted around the region, each of them jam packed with the most up to date and specialised technology when it comes to CT dental imaging.
As they are an independent organisation, you do not have to deal with all of the headaches that come with using the services of the public health sector. The waiting times are vastly reduced and you will have quick turnaround times when you are in the centre itself. They are preferred by thousands of dental professionals across the entire United Kingdom.

What You Need to Know About Cephalometrics

The use of cephalometrics is an integral part of the diagnosis process as used by dental professionals. The aim of the process is to map out the skeletal relationships that exist within a person’s mouth. They can also be used in order to identify potential problems, to measure how well treatments are doing and identifying any potential abnormalities that could have an effect on any treatments that are administered.
Cephalometrics uses a wide variety of dental imaging tools in order to form a comprehensive image of the structures. These include CT scans, x-rays and other imaging devices.
CT Dent and Cephalometrics
As one of the leading independent dental imaging providers in the whole of the United Kingdom, CT Dent provides top range facilities for all things concerned with dental imaging. When it comes to cephalometrics, it is hard to trump CT Dent, as they have expertise, reputation and highly advanced equipment to provide the best imaging services around.
They are to be found right across the United Kingdom in six different locations. As an independent organisation, you do not have to deal with any long waiting times or inadequate attention that you would if you were dealing with the public health system.

What you need to know about Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

CBCT is an advanced dental imaging technique which splits the plane of the x-ray, forming a cone-like shape. This method is commonly used when dealing with dental implants. It helps the dental professional to plan the implantation for your specific mouth, leading to a more accurate, effective and less painful procedure.
In recent years, this type of imaging has been used for other uses in the dental industry, such as orthodontics and oral surgery. The process itself involves a CBCT scanner rotating all around the head of the patient, creating more than 600 images.
CT Dent and CBCT
Unlike most providers of CBCT imaging in the United Kingdom, CT Dent is completely independent. This means that they can carry out a more effective and efficient service. This is why their facilities are favoured by dental professionals all across the United Kingdom. They have a number of facilities dotted around the region, all of which are decked out with the latest and most advanced technology when it comes to dental imaging.
Their services are also extremely affordable and have small waiting lists. Instead of waiting months upon months to get an x-ray using a public service facility, you should utilise the services of CT Dent and obtain an appointment within a couple of weeks.